Friday, July 9, 2010

Baby Shower

My Mom and sister threw me a really fun shower! We had friends and family (guys and girls) to join in on the event. There was a blue candy bar, cupcakes and as always lots of food. J and I got everything we needed. We have the best family and friends. Thanks to everyone for all of your love and support. Just 46 more days to go...

The Nursery

The nursery came together really well. We decided to do a Teddy Bear theme. The colors are a pistachio green and brown. We hope Carter likes it!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

28 Weeks - last trimester!

83 more days to go! As nice as it is to have all of my friends and family tell me that I look "cute" I feel enormous and I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable. Who knew sleeping could be so burdensome?! This picture was taken right before Jeremy, Charlie and I went for a walk - one of the few things I can still do. Poor Jeremy! He has adapted to our boring life style and has been waiting on me hand and foot. I know he's getting restless and is just as anxious as I am to have our little guy here. Counting down the days...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

One Year Wedding Anniversary

J and me about to enjoy the top of our wedding cake, one year later. Simma's makes a great cheesecake- after a whole year of freezer time, it was still delish.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Belly at 23 Weeks

Charlie knows something's up...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wedding Day 5.16.09

Just seven months after our wedding, we learned that we soon would transition from newlyweds to parents. It has been a great year and we are excited to welcome our new son to the family. We are expecting August 23rd, 2010.

So far, at 23 weeks in, it has been a fairly easy pregnancy. Hopefully this little guy will be as well behaved when he gets here...

We just started our registry and have been working on the what will be, nursery. You can find our registry at both Target and Babies R Us. We are welcoming all Badger gear as the baby will be here just in time for football season. Go Badgers!

Stay tuned for updates and photos.